Everyday French

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Everyday French
Artist Lemon Demon
Released July 17, 2007
Appears on View-Monster
Sung by Kenan Thompson, via a soundboard
Duration 4:29
Tempo 125
Language English, fake French
Links: MP3 Second Life demo

Everyday French is a bonus track, consisting of looped quotes from an All That soundboard, on the Nickelodeon website. Other samples include "Balinese Bongos" by Les Baxter, The Muppet Show theme song, "MacArthur Park" by Richard Harris, and "Blood in the Gutter" from the Ren & Stimpy stock library.


(Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?)
(Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…)
(La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.)
(Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.)
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
May I take a nap in your nose?
Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere.
Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Laisse la moustache de la grandmère.
Let go of my grandmother’s moustache!
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
May I take a nap in your nose?
Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
Hey! Stop licking my kangaroo!
Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.
K-K-K-Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Laisse la moustache de la grandmère.
I have not showered in thirty-six (je) days.
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my—
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my—
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my—
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my—
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling (de mise…)
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my— (de mise…depuis)
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling (de mise…)
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my— (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling (de mise…)
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my— (de mise…depuis)
Monkeys are tickling, monkeys are tickling (de mise…)
my tummy, tummy, tummy, my— (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
May I take a nap in your nose?
Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere.
Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Laisse la moustache de la grandmère.
Let go of my grandmother’s moustache!
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
May I take a nap in your nose? 
Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
Hey! Stop licking my kangaroo!
Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.
K-K-K-Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Laisse la moustache de la grandmère.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. 
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Kiss me under the bologna tree.
Kiss me under the bologna tree. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Monkeys are tickling my tummy.
Monkeys are tickling my tummy. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Oh no, the babysitter exploded!
Oh no, the babysitter exploded! (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis)
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere.
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere.
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere.
Take those pork chops out of your brassiere. (de mise…-sé…gorge…depuis) 
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…)
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.)
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.)
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Laisse la moustache de la grandmère.) 
Est-ce que je peux faire la sieste dans ton nez?
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Je n’ai pas pris la douche de mise depuis…)
La guardienne d’enfants a explosé.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Embrasse moi sous l’arbre de bologna.)
Enlevez ce porc de votre soutien-gorge.
I have not showered in thirty-six days. (Arrétz de lecher mon kangorou.)
Les singes chatouille mont ventre.
I have not showered in thirty-six days.


  • The soundboard Neil used is available at this link.
  • Most of the French lines are not matched up with their English translations.